Billie's Red River County Gazette
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Just a short message to thank all of you for keeping the e-mails coming our way this past year. I appreciated each and every one. May your holidays and the coming year be filled with family, fun, and our Lord's blessings. Keep well and always safe in your travels. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, filled with the richness of life, love, and laughter, to each of you and your families.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Thanks for the nice Christmas presents, Oh, everything was fine. I have the candle burning and the pies on baking for lunch. The needlework is fabulous. My new cape is going to get a workout here in the house. I wear a sweatshirt usually, but am going to switch to it. Everything smells divine in the cosmetic items. The pear glace is absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for everything. Am looking forward to using it. Hope you are having a nice Christmas. The rain has stopped here and the north wind is picking up. They say it will gust to 35 miles an hour. The electricity will probably go off, as it did Friday night for six hours. These dead trees are turning over since the earth is so wet. Charlie has everything ready for an emergency blackout, so we are not worrying. We will eat ourselves silly and watch the football games.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Just a note to thank all of you for the e-mails this past year. We appreciated each and every one. May your holidays and the coming year be filled with family, fun, and our God's blessings. Keep safe in your travels and keep well.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to each of you and your families.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to each of you and your families.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Well, I'm back home, after a brief trip to south Texas, 1100 miles round trip. I visited Virginia and family. All are doing well. I saw Brinda, Sheila, Bob, Mrs. Keilers, and Virginia. We had dinner on Friday night at the Oaks Restaurant on the highway to LaGrange. It was great. Virginia and I witnessed about twenty deer. They are really getting to be a nuisance in that area. On Saturday, I went to the 55th high school reunion at Carmine, in the Lion's Club building, from 3 PM to 6PM. Enjoyed it very much. They had food brought by everyone. On Sunday, we visited the antique shops in Round Top. The place has changed so much since I was a resident. The area had the usual fall Antique Fair two weeks previously and it was the usual success. Then a journey to Fayetteville to a restaurant that we have visited many times in the past. It was under new management, but still good country menu. In honor of Papa, I ate the chicken fried steak and it was delicious. He always ordered this item. Monday morning, I headed for Shiner and located Aunt Bea and Uncle Lee's graves at the city cemetery. On to Inez and Mom's grave, then to Victoria, hoping to find a first cousin that lives there, but he had moved. Yorktown was the next destination, visiting Bill's good high school buddy and his wife. She had had a stroke, but was doing very well. On to San Antonio and Dad's grave at Fort Sam Houston, at the national cemetery. Got out of the city as the sun was setting. Boy, what a grid lock. I moved fifty foot in 15 minutes, so took the first exit and out of town to I10, back the way I came, to Flatonia, north to Madisonville. Stayed all night and drove in the next day. Of course, I stopped at a couple of stores and ate at a restaurant. I visited the largest Wal-Mart I have ever seen in Tyler. Got home Tuesday at 5 PM. Bow hunting is about to end in a couple of days. The local hunters across the road came in this morning. I don't remember them ever getting a deer by bow. Gun season starts on the fourth. This season, you can get two bucks, if you can see one other than after dark. We had a couple of poachers on either side of the house, a few nights ago, the dogs were going crazy. The one down at the old church finally fired a large caliber rifle. I hope he missed. The local paper published a photo of a 250 lb. black bear munching on deer corn over east of hwy. 37, about 17 miles east of the house. The paper will not publish the location, as the locals would take off and shoot it, despite a large fine and jail time, plus guns confiscated. Charlie witnessed four wild hogs running down the road on the other side of the old church one night. They are probably checking out all the deer feeders for corn. I got my license, just in case they come near this yard. Our hogs are getting near to slaughter too. I would like them butchered before the weather gets to cold. After the 6 inch rain about ten days ago, the pig sty is a big muddy hole. I hate for the pigs to stay in that mess long, especially when it is cold. Since I last wrote, Charlie and I drove up to Memphis, Tn. to another Arkansas State game. Boy, it was exciting. We won in the last six seconds, with a Hail Mary pass. Electrifying!! I bet those kids didn't come off their clouds for a week. They won against North Texas last week at the homecoming game. Charlie caught it on one of the ESPN stations, in the 600 numbers on Directv, while I was gone. All is well with our friend on the highway. Aunt Charlet and crew are well also.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Slow in this place. The weather is so pleasant that I could walk in the woods for hours, except I cannot walk that far without worrying about how to get back, if struck by pain surge. But, I have plenty of nice memories of walks in the woods with whatever dogs we had at the time. Some were very good at flushing up quail, Babe especially. And always the ever present armadillos. I just finished mowing the front half of the yard. Did it in short periods and had no problems. The pigs, chickens, and dogs are all enjoying the cooler weather by showing their energies. Egg laying has picked up some too. Our friend on the highway is doing OK. I stopped by to deliver some ornamental gourds and the never ending supply of Wal-Mart bags I give them. Their yard is full of blooming petunias, zinnias, and roses. She gave me a bag of zinnia seed for next year, red and pink. She has had such good luck with them. The fall festivals are beginning in the area. Several a week, in fact. Which reminds me that the Antique Fair will be the first week in October, down in Virginia's neighborhood. Our neighbors have left for that destination too. They have a big trailer loaded down with items, gathered during the summer. Charlet and family are OK too. I went to town yesterday for animal food and a few other items. Didn't have much to get, so got back by three PM. Shortest trip in a long time. Charlie and I went to see Josh play in a game at SMU. They didn't win, but enjoyed visiting with Rodolfo's folks. Went by Carolyn's before coming home. They were all well too.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
This has been a pleasant 16 days. Not too hot, but very mild most days. We had a couple of warm ones too. I am praying for winter at this time, it could not come too soon. What a supremely awful summer. Charlie has been very busy getting rid of dead timber and whole trees. He burned the tree by the pond. Didn't even cut it up. It took four days. Then, he cut the two dead oaks behind the house, trimmed the pine by the cabin, and loaded them onto the old truck. He chained the biggest trunk to the back of the truck and took the whole thing down to the fire pile inside the yard. It took six days to get rid of the big trunk. About four days ago, he set fire to the stump of the oak, directly behind the house. It may be gone in a couple of days. We are letting it simmer, because of the danger of fire. He covers it at night with a wash tub, being careful of allowing a small draft, to keep it lit. He has been working some, but this week was only two days worth. They ran out of lumber and it won't be delivered until Monday. He is still with Mike Green from the Novice store. This is the last house that has a slab poured. Bob, his other boss, has not come up with anything of consequence. I think he took his RV to the lake and forgot about working. Charlie may be without anything for a while, after this coming week. The hunters that have most of the land leased in our immediate area, have appeared two weekends. They mowed, but could not plant green stuff, because of the dry ground. Last Saturday, they came by, rolling on a flat front tire, on their little tractor. They were ready to go home, until Charlie invited Turtle and Chris to come in and use our tools and stuff to repair it. For compensation, Charlie said go mow under our power line to the south of the house. They were more than happy to do it. On Thursday,last, I had to go to town for the regular shopping. I bought two bags of wheat for him to plant when it rains. Our friends on the highway are doing well. Aunt Virginia and Aunt Charlet are fine. Charlet's grandson, Nick, was married several weeks ago in Las Vegas. They will live in Duchene, Ut. Nick is Jay's son. We received pictures of Kyler, Virginia's great-grandson. He is a handsome fellow. He is Brian's grandson. I have been feeling well, for an old lady! Nothing I can't handle, yet. These last rain caused the grass to jump up. Charlie killed another 2 and 1/2 ft. snake near the old shed. Have no idea what it was, other than it was not poisonous. He also found a dumped puppy on the gravel road, very little. I thought it would die, but it survived long enough for Charlie to find someone to take it. I know there were more, but he said he could not see or hear any in the dark. The two pigs are doing much better now that the big one is gone. I had to return the Poulan chain saw, as it would not stay running. Charlie insisted that he was not going to start working on it and it being new. So I went down and had an argument with the store manager, but bought a Husquvarna, 16 in. Hopefully, it will do better. He still has trees to trim up and down. When he and Mike Green put out deer corn, they came back complaining bout stuff in the pathways. Mike and his father will hunt some, but I don't really expect them to do much. His father likes fishing and Mike has gout at times, ferocious.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Nothing much at this end of the line. We received 2 and 3/4 inches more of rain over the weekend and things are greening up well. We have mown so little this year and I know Charlie is spoiled. He had just mowed and edged everything, when, about three hours later, the sky opened up and we had a wonderful rain. The deer, down by the pond, have not been seen since. I imagine Mr. Graff's fields are sprouting all over. I can always hear the tractors running. He recently had fire lines plowed along all the fence lines, to help out, in case of fire. The carpenters are still working over on the ranch, doing some corrections to the house. The cruisers, people scouting deer, are beginning to pass down the road, especially on these cool mornings. Since the rain, it has been in the upper 60's several days. Feels great. Charlie did not work Monday, because of wet conditions, but has enjoyed the cooler weather since. He is working with Mike and Ray Green, people that own the Novice store, on the inexpensive houses in Reno. They can frame one in a day and take the rest of the week to finish it off. So, he should have a couple of weeks left on that job. One of our residents at Kanawha has decided to leave. They were a retired couple, with parents. They developed a really nice acreage, with two houses, small, a shop, a pond and a nice area for garden. Now, the place is for sale after two years. Charlie spent last Saturday, helping a neighbor fix his sheetrock, which had come loose on the ceiling, from the shifting of his home, due to drought conditions. Someone had used finishing nails to attach it, when, remodeling for sale of the house. Then, he helped him fix a customer's Isuzu truck, which he couldn't quite figure out how to put back together. Wednesday was go to Wal-Mart day, etc. Wasn't too bad. Charlie was here to unload and fix supper for me. I liked that! All is well in Walhalla and New Mexico. We got rid of one of the pigs. We still have one and one for the salesman from McCoy's. The other one was a bit older, so he had to go. Charlie killed another moccasin in the flowerbed by the back door. When he mowed, the grass was cut much shorter than usual. He said he wanted to be able to see. Of course, I still have to water the foundation and that is what the snakes are seeking. Maybe the cooler weather will deter them a little more.
Friday, August 18, 2006
It is the same old story here. I am even disgusted with this weather. The trees are dying in the woods, we have a dozen limbs, big ones, down on the ground from dead trees. The dead of this year won't fall for two or three years. Charlie has his chores cut out for him when it cools off. I am still watering around the house and that's it. My flowers are beginning to fade too. What few pot plants I still have are thriving. Charlie is still working on the house in Klondike, maybe ten more days. They have another house to start in the same area as soon as they finish this one. They usually quit by 1 PM, but you can't really ask anyone to work longer than that. He has managed to come up with more slop from various gardens around here. One guy said come by and they would clean his freezer out so he could put in fresh meats. That was a big haul. All the animals got to share it too, since it was meat, vegetables, and ice cream. Our deer are still grazing down by the pond. Charlie remained hidden, but watched them over the weekend. The dogs were barking by the fence and they paid no attention. The hunters will be thick this year, as the wildlife rules stated that you could take two bucks now. So far, the hunters have not appeared. Usually, they are here cleaning blinds, planting grain, etc. We have several bow hunters on this road, so season will start Sep 30. Our friend on the highway is doing well. Daughter may return by the end of the month. I understand Mr. Graff's house is finished. Charlet reports the creek below her house is bank to bank and may flood the neighborhood, if it doesn't stop raining. This happened many years ago and a dike was built. The sustained water flow has begun to undercut the dike. Otherwise, all OK. Virginia and family are well also. Everyone knows Gary Guffey? The flower shop owner, where his wife was employed, reports she quit the job to stay at home with him. He is apparently getting more incapacitated and she needs to be there. They are still living in his parents old house. His father passed away, but mother lives near her sister, near Athens, Tx. My doctor reported that my cholesterol has come up a few points, so have started taking fish oil, garlic pills, and a small glass of wine, in addition, to the stuff I took previously. It is enough to make me gag, looking at all those horse pills.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Same old story! Another 100 degree day and no rain in sight. I would not believe it, even if the weather forecast predicted rain. We have had no semblance of rain since Jun 15 or thereabouts. We continue to shrivel up on the foliage front. I just water around the houses and my plants. Charlie has had some problem involving his smoking, as he went three days without one. Missed work on Monday too. He is smoking seldom now. Says he feels bad. The heat is horrible too, so I factor that in. They are still working on the house in Klondike. What distance is that, 65 miles? They never work a full day, as the heat sends them home by 2 or 3 o'clock. He won't have much mowing to do because the grass is mostly brown. He runs over the green part in about 15 minutes. He used the new gas trimmer twice and the shaft broke in it. I returned it for a new one on Tuesday. The Atwood's store asked no questions. The doe down by the pond come out morning and evening and graze on the Bermuda grass by the edge of the pond. The water dried on the inlet to the pond and Charlie mowed it all. The grass always comes up lush and it did again. The dogs do not bother it. When I or Charlie appear though, off it takes into the brush. We have put some corn down, just to encourage it. Charlie has killed two armadillo down in the same area the last few evenings. I imagine the ground is so hard now, that the soft earth caused by the pond water is very tempting, but deadly. They are coming out early in the evening. Next Wednesday, I go for my lab tests in Clarksville. Have been feeling better in the back area too. Course, I do not do much of anything. Our friend on the highway is doing well also. All are OK in Walhalla and N. M. It is monsoon season in N. M. and they have gotten some rain, but could do with more. Friend Kathy, from S. D., sent a clipping of her prospective daughter-in-law, who is majoring in antivirus research, while getting her master's degree. Her parents are getting more ill, so she and Chuck have moved into the house with them. She is still working, and her sister can care for them while she is gone. Kathy finally got on at the Post Office in Martin, which is good. It is extremely hard to find good work in such a small farm town. School starts here about Aug. 7, so our rancher friend will have to do the rest of his hay in the evenings. A rumor is going around that the property, with the broken down porch, next to our place, has been sold. I called one of the heirs and she claims to know nothing of it. Anyway, she said she would call me if something did occur. A tragic accident on the Red River again, claimed the life of a 48 year old man. The group were riding ATV's along the edge of the river and the dust was blinding. He drove over a 35 ft. cliff and was killed instantly. The current took him down the river 1/4 mile before they found him a short time later. While his son was looking for him, he drove off into the river and has serious back and neck injuries.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Still no rain here. The meadow across the road is brown now. Pray no one drops a match anywhere near this place. Pond is rapidly diminishing. Charlie took a pole and top water lure down last weekend to try his luck. Said he didn't get a bite. I told him only smart fish would be at the bottom trying to stay cool. Luckily, we did have a cooling period Sunday and we are back in the low nineties and much cooler nights. It was over 100 on the back porch in the shade several times last week. The highest being 106. I did my watering early in the morning and didn't pickup the mail until the sun was behind the woods. The poor dogs were digging big holes everywhere and drinking gallons of water. Bandit managed to get bit by some kind of snake two days ago. His face swelled up, until he looked like he had the mumps. It accentuated his pit bull look. He looked ferocious, though I know he probably had a terrific headache too. When Charlie killed the water moccasin, he said Bandit had run across the top of the snake and never saw it, shortly before he dispatched it with the gun. And, all this time I figured Lacie would be the dog bitten. She has her nose into everything. The pigs were digging too. When they had accomplished a huge pit about 3 x3 x 2, Charlie filled it with water and the fight was on. One would jump in and the other two would attack, biting it's ears, until it would jump out. Then, a repeat over and over and over. They wore it out. It was hysterical to watch. Charlie has received several more buckets of rotten vegetables for the pigs, as it is all over for the gardens around here. I managed somehow, to visit Paris yesterday, for the grocery and other odd errands jaunt. I was overjoyed to arrive home at 5:30 and let Charlie take over, but did I hurt, to the point of almost delirious. An hour of Tylenol and lying down, I recovered. I hope it is a long time before I don't recover. Our friend on the highway is doing well, as the folks in N. M. and Walhalla.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Still stuck in hot weather here. It feels like the Sahara Desert in this area. Hot, hot wind blowing and burning up the vegetation. The usual fall foliage is early, with sumac turning red now. People are doing hay as fast as they can, to try and salvage some before it is ruined. I actually heard thunder this afternoon and raced to the weather channel to check on it. It popped up and was gone in a matter of minutes, to the west. I am still watering the house foundation and around the buildings, but nothing else. My electric bill will probably will send me into space, since the rates have gone up. This spell of weather is the big test. As usual, I went to town on Tuesday, for the entire day. Wal-Mart, service station, feed store, used bookstore, etc. Charlie was home most of the week. He worked on the previous Saturday, putting tar paper on a roof. Then, the shingles weren't delivered. When they were, the carpenter running the job, didn't have equipment to do the job, so he looked to the Green's to check on job availability. They are starting up two or three houses soon and promised to call, since one of their regular carpenters had left the crew. His old boss had surgery this past week for cancer on his face. He came up with some work on Friday, installing windows in a huge house. They probably have two more days on that job. By then, the other jobs may have slabs poured. Our neighbor on the highway is doing well. They used a portable x-ray machine on her and the break is healing as it should. She has help 24/7, so hope that works out well. All are well in N. M. and Walhalla. Charlie killed a cottonmouth moccasin off the back porch. It was probably relaxing in the damp flowerbed, when he came out for a smoke. It was twenty-six inches long. Very healthy looking sucker. The hummingbirds are just going crazy. I cannot believe they are sucking up the nectar so fast. I fill the feeders everyday now. Charlie is still seeing to the Myers place. He may not ever have to mow, since it is so dry.
Friday, July 07, 2006
A mild day today, but still windy. Charlie remarked that the pond is going down rapidly, now that we get such a small amount of rain. We had a nice surprise on Saturday. Josh and Dominick ( another football player, lineman for Ark. State) came for the night, on their way back to school. They tried their best to see an armadillo during the night, as Dominick had never seen one, being from Oregon. They did discover a copperhead and put him to death. They got on the road again by 10 AM, Sunday. Football practice started this past Wednesday. Charlie did not work any this week. Just the usual around here. One of the neighbors sent a huge bucket of old vegetables for the pigs. Charlie is to pick up another this afternoon. The man is pulling up his garden, a victim of dry weather. The boss, Bob, asked him to come and do some mechanic work on his truck today. They may have a slab ready next week, but I don't give much credence to the story. Yesterday, we went over the state line to get him cigarettes and fill my truck up. We have two new culverts on this gravel road up toward the highway, north 410. A huge amount of the ditches have been cleaned, deepened, and scraped to allow better drainage. While we were passing, Charlie jumped out and fed the hummingbirds at Myers, and checked around. That big Doberman they have, was on the watch. There is an automatic feeder, that holds a large amount of dog food. Everyone in N. M. and Walhalla is well. Our friend on the highway is doing well also. We are all attempting to keep things green around the house and shop. I was surprised that we heard of no grass fires around the holiday. The hummingbirds here are on the increase. Had eight today. Will be refilling everyday, at this rate of consumption. Monday will be hectic, as I must go to town again.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Just another warm day, with dry winds. I am watering the flowerbeds and the hanging plants again. Also, the house foundation. The fire ban has started for the summer too. Charlie's crew finished the house at Cooper last Tuesday, worked on a little job of two hours on Wednesday and nothing Thursday and Friday. Three of the crew started ripping the roof off a house at Marvin today, but they did not call him until 10 AM. Takes too much gas to go 40 miles and back, for four hours work and he refused. Another slab should be poured by next week in Cooper. The Myers have hired him to water the trees, feed the hummingbirds, and mow while they are on vacation. Everyone in N. M. and Walhalla, Tex. are well. They seem to be in great need of some good rains, as we are. Charlet reported a forest fire on the back side of the mountain that you see from her front yard. It is no danger to Glenwood. I went to town on Monday and spent most of the day. Charlie was here when I returned to put up the groceries. I was out of it all day Tuesday, but feeling better since. Someone, kids, probably, put some white powder in the lobby of the post office at Detroit and they had a long delay getting the mail out today. They had put up a sign forbidding skateboarding on the P. O. property. I guess someone decided to get even. I am looking forward to watching the Tour de France. Got hooked last year when Lance Armstrong was still riding. I've been watching some World Cup too. Since Charlie put the younger chickens into the big pen with the older hens, everything is doing well. He says they hardly notice each other now. The younger ones are still roosting in the outside pen though. Rain or colder weather will finally drive them into the larger coop. The old store, Cathy's Corner, at Kanawha, sold to an older couple from Paris. The woman is kin to former residents of Kanawha. No one knows what their plans are for the old building. In recent years, it has really deteriorated. Charlie traded out work with one of the carpenters, so he could clean up around here last weekend. He went over and helped him with his cleanup efforts, when they finished here.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Can you believe it is raining! Pretty steady, this afternoon. We probably passed one inch and are hoping for more. The grass is tall again. Charlie did not mow last weekend, as he had injured his eye and stayed in until Monday to see the eye specialist. We went on Monday, to the same doctor that performed one of Papa's cataract surgeries. They removed a piece of metal and applied some medicated drops. He was able to go back to work on Wednesday. He was sawing a board that ended up having a nail in it. That's why you wear goggles! Boy, did he hear a few speeches on that over the weekend. He will have to mow, if it is not too wet, by Sunday. Otherwise, we will be able to make hay bales out of the grass. The dogs caused him to check the ground, a couple of feet from the walk by the backdoor, the other night. It was a ten inch copperhead. He killed one in the same place last year. Nothing much occurring around here. It has been very hot. I don't go out, except to the mailbox. Monday, I will be going to town again, to grocery shop. Dirty work!! Charlie came in the other day, with the news of a property sale, at Kanawha. Fifteen acres, across from the cemetery, sold for $1000. an acre. It is someone, employed by the city of Paris, planning to build a home. It is on the curve, to the north side of the highway. A fellow called here about the Carey place, next to our property. He inherited some money and wants to put it into a deer hunting place. I told him what little I knew on the subject. Charlet and Virginia report that all is well with their clans.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Another very warm week, but better than Dallas and a hundred degrees. At least, I can breath! I have started watering the foundation on the house and of course, the dogs are loving it. New holes every other day. We are doing OK. Charlie has worked all this week, except this afternoon and Bob let them go early. The crying over the hot temps finally got to him, and besides, he probably hit the lake by nightfall. They are coming along fine on the house in Cooper and seem to have much to do before it is finished. Mr. Graff's house on the ranch is coming along nicely too. That is a construction crew from Clarksville. Our friend on the highway is home and things are developing nicely. The doctor was able to prescribe many items to help with her care. I know she is glad to get home. Charlie came home yesterday to find one of our new chickens dead. Do not know what happened. It was running around happy earlier in the day. The remainder are acting alright. Since we gave the rooster and that old mean, black hen, they other hens are back to laying eggs. If we can get the remaining four into production, we will be giving eggs away. I gave the dogs their meds this week and they are fine. Lacie is the funny one. She chases birds by the hour. In the air, on the ground, it doesn't matter. She alerted me to the does outside the fence again. The other dogs are too busy napping to pay attention. The does were about 25 feet on the other side of the fence, down by the pond, where the honeysuckle has an opening in it. They had stepped out a few feet and were grazing on the grass. I watched them about twenty minutes. They ignored Lacie, who was barking all the time. I went to town yesterday, as the list was getting very long. I had to spend some time shopping for a new chain saw and a gas edger. Had to wait, an hour before I was able to get an electric cart at Wal-mart's. I had been standing as long as I could take it and was thinking of going home. Could not think of shopping without it. Finally, got home at 6 PM, after leaving the house at 9 AM. What a dreadful day, but am OK today. I got a Poulan saw and a McCullough edger. Charlie will be checking them out tomorrow. He has gone to eat fish at Valliant tonight. Everyone is OK in Glenwood, N. M. and Walhalla, Tx. Aunt Virginia is a great-grandmother. Brian and Brenda's daughter, Amanda had a boy, 8 1/2 lbs. She and her husband live out from Houston, on the west side. In the vicinity of Katy, I think. He owns a construction company and she teaches school. Granny Keilers had another birthday this past week too.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
All is well here. We have had an inch of rain drizzle for the last two days, which makes the temperatures moderate. We have doing the usual. Carolyn, Sarah, and Becah came for a visit on Sunday night and stayed until Wednesday afternoon. Had a wonderful time. Carolyn cooked while here, spaghetti one night and roast the next. She still can cook rings around me. We went to town one day. Visited Atwood's, the horse supply store, which Becah loves. Also hit Goodwill for the girls to shop. Got really cute outfits too. Sarah is working as a lifeguard at a public swimming pool this summer. She has a tan you would not believe. Smooth as silk. I always turned splotchy. Carolyn is having surgery on her hand for carpal syndrome in a couple of weeks. Her birthday is tomorrow too, and I will not tell her age. It is enough to make me ancient though. The girls enjoyed playing with Lacie (their dog originally). Lacie and Bandit thought they were in heaven to get so much attention. Our friend, on the highway, is probably coming home soon. Things are going well with them. Charlie missed two days work this week, rain. They are still in Cooper, on the two story. A new neighbor took up residence in the house by the store. He is an acquaintance of Charlie's from Manchester. Disabled by a semi accident and on pension. Myers were up this past weekend to mow the grass. They stopped and gave me a container of cherries.
Monday, May 15, 2006

Another nice spring week. We had a wonderful rain, though the storm that came with it wasn't so nice. It rained over 3 inches, a good soaker. Charlie did not work most of last week. No slab could be poured at Cooper. Several people called about the nearby bad weather, but none was located here. Paris had hail big enough to knock off side mirrors, as did Blossom and Detroit. I was up every hour because of the wind whipping small branches against the house. I thought it might be hail. Our vehicles were under cover, but you can never tell. The dogs were bunched under the glass table on the gazebo. They couldn't get their bodies all under, so settled for their heads. The entire floor was wet, because the wind was blowing so. The state highway department resurfaced the road from Woodland all the way to SH 37 at the state line bridge. That was irritating to everyone. You had to wait for the guide car and take your turn. The tar is still settling. I had lunch with Melinda's family at the Sirloin Stockade on Saturday for Mother's Day. They had a very nice buffet set up. I did some grocery shopping and got starter feed for the baby chicks. The remaining five chicks are still doing well. Charlie sets them on top of the chicken pen everyday in the shade. Charlie says that the huge house they are building at Cooper belongs to the local ISP owner. They should be there for weeks according to the boss. The owner is requesting changes already and the first floor is not yet framed. 4500 square feet, two stories. Everyone is well in the two sister-in-law households. Josh brought his Arkansas State bowl ring to show me. It is really nice. Carl, I hope all goes well on your month-long motorcycle tour across America. For those interested, you can see his progress by clicking here.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
It's been a slow week. We have received a couple of inches of rain, totaling all the days. Charlie and I have been watching the grass grow. It seems it can jump two inches over night. I went to town on Saturday, early, the Ford was repaired, I picked up animal feed, shopped at Goodwill, ate lunch, went to the electric coop meeting, visited our neighbor, who is now in residence at a nursing facility, shopped at Wal-Mart, filled up with gas ($2.67 a gal.) and arrived home at 6 PM. Charlie was waiting and put everything away. I did visit with the Graff ranch manager, because they are adding several rooms on the back of their house at Kiamatia. It is really going to enhance their enjoyment of the home they are provided by the ranch. They are also building a home on the ranch for the owner. Charlie got about twenty, three week old chicks from a neighbor. He gave some away and brought the rest home. They didn't look so good, so we were not surprised to have seven die. We have five left and we will see if they survive. Some died from the other lot that he gave away. Someone does not know how to take care of them. The Myers came for the weekend, with friends. Everyone in New Mexico and Walhalla are fine. Charlie has not worked because of the wet, damp weather. It seems it is not conductive to cement pouring or the site is flooded. The humidity is high, but temperatures are nice and refreshing. I am storing a trailer of furniture in the shop for a sum per month. It doesn't take much room. They have moved back from Portland, Or. and have not settled yet on a new location, other than, somewhere in the Tyler, Tx. area. Something was in the chicken pen last night. I went out with the spotlight and waited ten minutes and saw nothing. Just in case, Charlie put a plastic, white egg in the nest, anticipating a snake to swallow it and die. Some people use golf balls or white, old-fashioned door knobs. Bandit killed another armadillo last night. Charlie said it's head was almost chewed off. The last one had it's shell crushed. That dog has a bad bite!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
A very cloudy day, here. Charlie has left the Mike crew of carpenters and is waiting for a slab to be poured at Cooper and a return to Bob's crew. We had about 2 and 1/2 inches rain last week. Everything is looking spectacular green. We are expecting some more in the coming days. Charlie has been mowing Monday and Tuesday, trimming small trees and pulling up poke salad, growing in the daylilies. He also mowed around the gazebo with the hand mower. The dogs are trying to dig up the hedges around there too. I have to keep the flower beds full of water to prevent digging. He has helped medicate the dogs again. He has to hold them, as I cannot do that and give them medication too. They mind him much better anyway. He has started cooking corn in the slow cooker for the pigs too. They aren't growing fast enough for him. He finally had to put stakes on the cyclone fence to keep Bandit inside the yard. So far, he has not tried to dig through them. Our friend up at the highway has gone to the hospital. There is a broken bone, by the artificial knee, involved. Doctor says he will put some kind of cast around it, to keep it inactive. Won't be able to walk on it for a month, unless someone is standing next to her, for support. Everyone at N. M. and Warrenton are doing well. Next Saturday, I will get the cruise control hooked back together, attend the electric coop meeting, and do my regular shopping too. I finally met Raymond (bought the old truck from the woods). He is a nice looking young man. Charlie said he had been in the military for 8 years. He now works for the city of Paris and has his wrecking yard business at Kanawha.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Another beautiful day here. The whole weekend was great. Charlie missed work Thursday and Friday because of rain. We only got an inch, but it was slow enough to wet the job sites. He is still in Reno working on the small homes. Mike took Charlie with him on Thursday to unload some cattle cubes into Pat Mayse Lake on some little inlet. Charlie said it was to get the catfish up to it. Mike went back and fished later. They were having a fish fry at the Novice Volunteer Fire Dept. last Saturday. Things were really humming around here last week. The county guys put down gravel from the (blow up the snake) culvert up to the gap in front of the yard. Then they went to the corner going to the church and put some down to the church. They cleaned the ditches before they graveled too. Even with the rain, it looks great and rides even better. I noticed that they are out this morning, going north. Bandit, the pit-bull, started digging under the yard fence in two different locations. Charlie has recovered each one and scolded him, but who knows if it does any good. He doesn't run off, just goes around to the gate and barks. While Charlie was looking for a hole, he almost stepped on a three and a half foot black velvet rattlesnake near the yard fence, down by the old dog houses. He yelled as loud as he could, I heard and ran with the gun. It is a wonder that the dogs did not find it first. He probably would have killed one. He had only made it into the yard about three foot. He had 13 rattles on him. His rattle alerted Charlie to his presence. Aunt Virginia and clan are well, also Aunt Charlet and crew. I went to town on Saturday for the usual shopping spree. Charlie unloaded the whole thing when I returned. I had to buy food for all the animals too, plus gas for the mower and four wheeler. I stopped at a service station that has 3 hamburgers for 3.99 and bought supper. Remember the huge amount of burgers we used to buy after church services and take home? Can anyone remember the price and amount for the price? Our friend on the highway is OK. Her companion for part of the week could not go on Saturday night, but alerted me so we could be available if she needed someone.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Boy, we jumped into summer in a hurry. It has been in the nineties for the past few days. I have to soak the onion patch to get the green onions, as it has turned into cement. I am so happy that I don't have to weed and water in the heat. The long range weather forecast for this area was a factor in my decision not to garden this year. We are hoping for some rain Friday. In anticipation of rain on Friday, Charlie mowed the edge of the pond with the hand mower. It looks so good. He also mowed the entire yard and down by the pond too. We are feeding the doe down there with whole corn left from the hunting season. We have had new sightings of it, even the wounded one is still walking around. I had Charlie mow into the honeysuckle area by the pond. I eased in there one early morning and a deer eased on out of the other side. I bet there is a fawn somewhere nearby. I had to put out the humming bird feeders. I forgot the due date back for them, the 15th, and sure enough, on the Easter Sunday, one appeared. That is also the date to start watching for snakes too. Haven't seen one though. The dogs are trying to find a damp place to lay down too. I chase them out of places all day long, because digging is not far behind. The county workers are doing their thing on our road today. I will have to go out and check what at the end of the day. Gravel trucks, graders, etc. Have been throwing up dust all morning. Our brilliant green foliage will be dusty gray in no time. Our neighbor on the highway has hired help again, after her daughter visited (she has returned home). I am very happy about it too. She really needs the help. The dentist was up to mow his place too. They always keep their place neat as a pin. Charlie is working on the second house at Reno, with his temporary employer, Mike Green. The heat does a number on him too. He needs to lose a large amount of weight, but that is the hard way. My pains are about the same, but am able to cope very well, except grocery day is a killer. I'm beginning to hate the size of Wal-Mart. They finally finished remodeling the store and it looks very good. It had been a wreck since January. As usual, all of the displays have been changed and I would be totally undone, but for the electric cart.
Monday, April 03, 2006
It is a beautiful, sunny day here. Charlie went to work at Cooper again. We had a quiet weekend. He mowed inside the yard fence, because of the rapid growth of the weeds. We had another inch of rain one night. He didn't miss any work. The injured pig is not doing well and will probably die. The electric fence has been very effective so far. They see Charlie inside the fence and think they can get in the open gate. I haven't seen it, but Charlie said that poor Bandit was so tangled up in it and in his effort to get out, broke the wire. I haven't seen him down there lately. Hopefully, he has learned his lesson. We have the few plants I saved from last year hanging from the gazebo posts and the tarp down. Looks so much better now. I have been spraying water on dogs that can't understand that I want them to stay off the gazebo. We have some plants sitting on tables and I know what they can do to a plant. They jerk it out and then proceed to chew up the pot. We will be transplanting some of them, as they are root bound. Our friend's husband that is sick with cancer is having some difficulty with the radiation treatments. Does that bring back memories? The wife is soon coming to visit her mother. That makes me happy! We haven't heard any shooting, so maybe the hunter's are not taking advantage of the turkey season. Charlie was invited to go fishing Friday night, but returned late. He said they weren't getting any bites, so he came home. Several of the boss's friends took their RV's to the Kiamichi River, north of the Hugo Lake, again. I have sent 2 dozen eggs to Kanawha community, to a friend of Charlie's ride to work. Someone has an incubator and they want to try to hatch some chicks. Aunt Virginia reported that the antique fair was in full swing. She said there was a mob on Saturday. Traffic was at a snail's pace through Warrenton, location of the church food booth. Things are well in Glenwood, N. M. too.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Nothing much going on here. They forecast rain and nothing happens. That seven inches back on the 19th has evaporated. The wind is taking moisture out of the pond too, but that will take awhile. At least, we are seeing more green everyday. The trees and brush are looking very good. The perennial bulbs have bloomed and faded. The weeds in the lawn are thriving too. Charlie mowed the inside of the yard fence over the weekend and it looked great for a short period. He has worked every day this week in Cooper. They added a fancy carport to a house and will go back and work on the inside of another. It rained down on them yesterday, but they were lucky to be inside. The guys in N. M. and Fayette County are doing well also. The neighbor on the highway is feeling under the weather. I visited yesterday to drop off my usual cache of Wal-Mart bags and some bottled water. She says she can't drink the water from the location in Detroit. They installed new piping out here to old customers and when they turned it back on, she said it tasted bad. There is bottled oxygen being delivered to the neighbor, two miles north of our house, so I expect she is beginning to get ill. A home health care person goes down there every day too. There was a big tom turkey on the Graff ranch property as I was driving by. I stopped and he walked down some distance and crossed the road over into the other part of the ranch. It is almost time for the spring turkey season and the hunters will descend again. It is a bit longer this year, so we must have a bigger population. Charlie and I went to Paris to pick up his ball joint assembly for his car and he installed it in a couple of hours on Saturday, the 25th. We made a twenty minute trip to Wal-Mart too. Since we didn't get much, we are running out sooner than expected. The Myers are up this weekend, getting the antique trailer for their usual trip down to Fayette County. Aunt Virginia said vendors are putting up things last Sunday. The actual show does not begin until the 6th thru the 9th. They usually deal with each other in advance.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
We received about two inches of rain this week, but evaporated soon, as the wind has blown ferociously since. Charlie did not work Tuesday because of illness. He, with some help from one of the carpenters, installed three pigs in the old pen. Several water containers and a nice concrete feeder. His job ride driver gave it to him and I wish we had more. The pigs are just weaned, all females. Small as they are, the pen was completely plowed up in twenty-four hours. If it ever rains like it used to, those little things will have only their noses sticking out of the mud. It rained on Thursday, so Charlie stayed home again. Friday, I went to town for some grocery shopping and on the way back from Paris, a tremendous smoke cloud rose from the west side of Hwy. 37, north of Clarksville. The paper company trees had caught fire. Since the wind was blowing, it started moving toward Oklahoma border in a hurry. I sat by the window and watched the glow in the sky for an hour after it was dark. It was about fifteen miles or more away from the house. Then Jeff (Graff ranch manager) called and told me that there was a fire in the pine trees where the hunters camp every year. I could not see it from the house, even though darkness was complete. He said he had discovered it riding around the pasture on the east side of the trees. I am on the west side. He got the Myers phone number and called and also, went to their house. He and Mr. Myers looked at the situation. It was not flaring up, just smoldering pretty well in the thick layer of pine needles. They called some friends and the fire department. A fire truck came after about an hour or so, plus Jeff and friends had gotten two farm tractors to try to build a break around the area. A fire department machine of some kind was brought it and they plowed a huge, deep break around it, according to Mrs. Myers. Their house was in the path of fire, if it ever got going. It is smoldering now. We hope no high wind breaks out before a good rain falls. It was rumored that a vehicle was seen in the area, with two people walking into the woods and gun firing shortly thereafter. I imagine someone was careless, maybe on purpose.
Monday, February 27, 2006
I think spring is almost here, even though the mornings are still a 30 degrees or so. We had a terrific wind yesterday. Charlie said they built the walls on the new house on the ground since they could not stand them up. He is tickled that they are working again. My jonquils and a blooming tree are doing their thing. I never have discovered what the tree was called. I brought it from Grand Prairie years ago. I thought maybe it was a bush. The leaves were very attractive. It has grown into a tree now and is very pretty in the spring. The electric company said they were going to cut it down and I rebelled and said please, no. They left it, but it may get so big someday that it will have to go. It is quiet again. The carpenters that went to Louisiana returned. One went to work for his old employer. The one that rode with Charlie has not come back. Charlie was told by the boss yesterday to go to another carpenter that had ask for a job and tell him to come to work. The friend on the highway is doing OK. The people in Lake Jackson are to start going for radiation treatments for the husband sometime this week. Aunt Virginia and Aunt Charlet are doing OK. I have been doing housework, etc. and staying in the house most of the time. I did go to shop in Paris last Friday, while Charlie was fishing. Bob invited him to go as work was so slow. They stayed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It rained Friday and Friday night. Charlie said it was extremely cold out in the boat and they didn't catch much. Enough for their own consumption and that was about all. The rancher across the road was feeding the cattle last Saturday, when a coyote ran out into the field in front of my house. He popped him with one shot. If someone could take the time, and go over the hill out of sight of the house, they would probably kill a coyote every day. The dogs are still going crazy every night, upon hearing the barking and howling behind the house, in the woods.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Nothing much happening here. Last weekend was spent in front of the TV, watching the first weekend of Daytona. Charlie and I got brushed up on the all the new rules, gossip, regulations, personalities, replays, etc. The wind has not given up as of today. Now, we are forecast for another winter storm. We were down to 18, 22, and 28 degrees this past weekend. Charlie did not look for any repair work, too cold. Monday, the boss called and reported that he was unable to get a customer to agree on a price for a garage, so he cancelled work. Finally, Wednesday, they all went to Cooper to start a house. Poor Charlie, put a nail in his hand with a nail gun, but stayed all day. It was really hurting by last night, but insisted he could work and did so. I hope he is better by the time he gets home tonight. Our friend on the highway has hired a lady to stay with her. It looks like things are going well and I am so grateful. The north wind swept in here about 5 PM. Only a few drops of rain with it. I have everything ready in the cabin, to keep the pipes and plants OK. It was so hot this afternoon. Over 80 degrees. Yesterday, I visited the cardiology and got another clean bill. Then, I went to the beauty shop and treated myself to a new perm. My hair had grown to unmanageable. Aunt Virginia and family are well.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
We are doing OK. Charlie has not worked this week as a carpenter. Did stuff for me. He hauled dirt and filled gopher holes that the dogs had dug up. Also filled in holes around the cabin, created by said dogs. Then, he filled up the holes in the chicken area, created over the years by scratching chickens. Charlie also cleaned the pine needles off the cabin roof, once again. Even with the ferocious winds we have experienced, they still pile up. He and I are still trying to slow our consumption of food. We do eat a nice breakfast though. I am eating a sack of oranges or apples every week and salads. At least, I have stopped gaining weight. The dogs killed a small armadillo in the yard this week. I am sure that Bandit is the culprit. Cracked the poor thing open with his strong jaws. They did not try to eat it. The buzzards took that job. It has rained another two tenths of an inch. We may see the pond dry up this year. Our friend on the highway is returning to Lake Jackson this week, Her husband is going in for medical treatments, hopefully this coming week. A lady,from the community,is replacing her while she is gone. I'll be keeping an eye on events as well. Charlie has been working on a friend's home these last two days. He wanted some sheetrock applied in a bedroom and hall. One of the neighbors needed a solenoid put in his van too. I understand that the weather is going to turn very cold in the next couple of days. All our elms have tiny little leaves on the tops and they will be burned. I have not been down to look at the peach trees, but they will probably have some damage done also.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
A very cold, windy day here. What other kind are there? We did get 3/4 inch of rain Thursday morning, really early. Charlie returned Saturday, instead of Thursday, from his fishing trip to Hugo Lake. The crappie were running in droves, so they all stayed. He said that Bob, the boss, had his new RV and others brought their RVs, so there was plenty of sleeping room. They all camped together and put out their lines. Caught over 200 fish between them of extremely good size and quality. He had a wonderful time and met several old friends of Bob's that he had known since childhood. Everyone took his turn cooking fish and Charlie said they all had their own way of frying fish. He claims he had never eaten so much good fish in his life. The game warden turned up, plus the head of the corp of engineers (26 year tenure) for Hugo Lake. Charlie called Thursday evening and let me know they were staying. I said it was OK, but I wanted some crappie. He brought me a good meal of them and we will cook them on Monday, with a big pot of red beans. Nothing much is going on here. Nathan is back, working for his step-father, again. He doesn't do enough to make gasoline money out here. It is quiet on the highway too. Though, it was reported that 5 truckloads of cattle,from Charlie's old employer, went past going south. I wonder what is happening on that ranch! Gerald, the building looks swell. I bet you hardly know what to do with yourself, in your new space.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
It has been nice these past few days. Wind is blowing too much though. Thursday, I went to Clarksville to pay the property taxes and shopped at Wal-Mart for a few groceries. Charlie worked at Commerce on Thursday and Friday. They hope to never see that house again. He said that the owner installed three water heaters in the attic to service the four bathrooms. Charlie worked one entire day in the attic, providing walkways to the heaters for service repairmen and wide enough to accommodate exchanges of heaters. Knocked another wall out for an additional window, along with many other small jobs. They had a show to watch on two days. The dump truck working on the white rock driveway, backed into a ditch behind the house, about three foot deep. They used various methods, attempting to get it out. The cab had gone up in the air. The second day, they brought two huge wreckers and four inch cable. Inch by inch, it finally came out. I suppose he lost money on that job. Besides, they had to hire the bulldozer to come and fix the gouges in the new drive. Friday night, we had another inch and three quarters rain. It was lovely. Showers continued most of Saturday. Charlie worked at Bob's Monday, repairing things on his RV. They may be back to carpentering on Monday, next. After getting all maintenance finished on the RV, the boss took the crew that wanted to go, over to Hugo Lake in Ok. He said that they would be back Thursday morning. They have cell phones, so I can contact them, if I wish. The Myers were here to pickup their trailer, for an antique show in New Braunfels this weekend. Aunt Charlet and Aunt Virginia are doing great, as well as their families.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
It is cold today, at least, I think so. We had a nice week, starting last Friday, my birthday. Charlie did not work, so he helped around here. Carolyn and Rebekah got here around four PM. We chattered like magpies. Charlie drove us to Peggy's Cafe in Valiant, Ok. about five-thirty. The crowd was still small. They had a buffet of catfish and all the trimmings and I just had a catfish plate. The cafe has a live band with help from the audience, as they bring their instruments and sit in. Some even get to sing, using the portable mike. All songs were old ones and hymns too. The customers were all dressed in ordinary clothes, grandpa, on down. Some children had on their pajamas. We ate until we could hardly walk. Then, we returned home and stayed up late, looking at DVD's Carolyn brought or some of our new ones. We slept late on Saturday. After breakfast, Carolyn, Rebekah, and I went to town to deliver some stuff to Goodwill, shop, and pickup the new chest of drawers. She made supper which was mouthwatering. Sunday, noon, they returned home. Charlie worked on the carpenters car that had lost the rear-end and got it running by Monday night. Tuesday, he worked on his car putting in a wheel bearing and got that finished. This morning he went to work, back at Commerce. The carpenter that was sharing some of the cost of gasoline has gone to Covington, La. to work. Several guys in their early twenties have deserted their jobs to go to that location, cleaning up from the hurricane. Charlie has been invited numerous times. It is forecast to rain again Friday. We had a nice two days of very slow rain, totaling one and a quarter inches. Loved it! Charlet and Virginia called on my birthday which was nice.
Friday, January 20, 2006
This is Papa's birthday and it is a nice one. In the upper 70's, but the wind is like a banshee, blowing through the trees. Charlie worked at Powderly on Monday, was off Tuesday, Wednesday in Paris, replacing siding on a house and today is at the boss's house working on trailers and vehicles. Tuesday, cousin Larry and his father, Uncle Harry came about 11 AM. We had an enjoyable reunion. It's been over 30 years since I've seen Larry. Uncle Harry is getting frail. Larry is completely gray now. He is 62. He is spending the winter in Texas with his two daughters down by Canton. He cannot take the Wisconsin winters. I have heard that our neighbor on the highway, may be hiring someone to stay with her some. I am overjoyed. I went to Paris Monday and got another prescription and this time everything went smoothly with the Medicare plan. One of the carpenters that Charlie rode to work with left the area with his brother-in-law. New Orleans is the destination. Supposed to be making $20 an hour and no per diem. Everyone tried to talk him out of it, but no success. Wiggles is apparently gone for good. It has been 10 days and no sign. She would escape out of the gate all the time. She usually returned, but with the amount of coyotes around here, I wouldn't be surprised if she is dead. The neighbors all know her, but no one has called. There is another dumped dog on the highway, that is begging for food at various residences. Aunt Virginia and Aunt Charlet report all is well with them.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
A nice cold day. We have had warm, sunny, stormy, extreme cold and all between this week. Charlie went back to work on Monday. Something did not go right and they had to return to Cooper Tuesday, as well. Wednesday, they finally got to leveling a house over at Powderly. First, they accumulated about 6 dozen bottle jacks. The house was on blocks, but in the wrong places for the area the house covered. It was in bad shape. Bob tried eyeing it first and that did not work. Charlie said the doors and windows were cocked every which way. He finally brought a laser device and Friday they finished up. Today, he is over at a carpenter's house, putting together a transmission. He wants to get back in time for the Denver-Patriot game. I went to town on Monday to get my Medicare Prescription Plan in effect. I had received my card on Saturday. I spent half a day in Wal-Mart, waiting for the insurance company's computer to come back up. I left the card and went home, disgusted. I called back Tuesday. They said all was ready and I owed a $28. co-pay. Charlie went to pick it up Wednesday and they insisted he had to pay $78. for the pills. He came without them. I called Thursday and got the manager. I asked for an explanation. He said it was a mad house there since the first of January. He finally found my prescription and told me that the clerk did not know what to do, other than insist for the $78. He fixed everything up and Charlie got the prescription up Friday. Medicare was to inform Social Security to take the premium out of my check, which they did not do. Had to call them and get that on schedule. Cousin Larry, Aunt Marie's son, called. He is down from Milwaukee, for the winter, visiting his daughters, before he goes to Florida for the winter. He is going to pickup his father, Uncle Harry, at Princeton, Tx, and come for lunch on Tuesday.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
It has been awful in this area, with all the grass fires. I think many are now started by stupid people. I keep the scanner on to find out if anything is coming this way. Charlie consulted with locals and the word was you will probably lose the cabin, but the house should stand, as it has very little exposed wood. We uncovered the faucets and have the hoses out, just in case. On the third, I left the house at seven and went to Paris for a whole day. I went to the bank first and then the Post Office. I made it to the cardiologist office down the street by 8:30. I even got in early. This time, I talked to the operator of the treadmill and echo machine, before she started the stress test. I had changed my shoes to just a plain tennis shoe. With her good description of what she was doing and me focusing on the treadmill extremely hard, I was able to get it done with no problems. I am paranoid about falling now, but was well satisfied with my performance. From there, I went to pay the electric bill. I never received one this month. Electric rates have gone up two months in a row. Even if I have used less kilowatts than last year, my bill is much higher, comparing to last year. The reason, the supplier is using natural gas to make the electricity. Then, on to the feed mill and Home Depot. Finally, to Wal-Mart and grocery buying. I got home at 5:30. I was exhausted. Charlie was home to take the stuff in. I forgot, on the way home, off hwy. 82, north of Blossom, a grassfire was raging. It was terrible to watch from a distance of half a mile. I hope no one's home was in the way. The winds never give up during the day. Charlie finished the house at Cooper. This coming week, he is supposed to work on the boss's truck. The other carpenters will be put on something else. Josh came for a visit on the 5th. We got up on the 6th, and headed up to the lower mountains of Oklahoma. Took the scenic drive from Bethel, over to Rattan and Antlers. It is as dry there as here. Those people that live up there should be highly concerned for their safety. Little houses or trailers by the dozen, most in lonely places. Many are deserted and left to rot down. Had lunch and returned by the Indian Nation Turnpike, to Hugo and home. On Saturday, Charlie and he watched DVD's or football games all day. I went to bed and caught up on my sleep. He got up Sunday and left after breakfast, about 10 AM.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year to all! I pray for all good things for you and your families. You would think we are deep into summer now. It is nice to work in, but you know that we are going to lose all kinds of trees and shrubs. Some of the neighbors that have pine tree farms are starting to lose some. No rain in sight for ten days in the local forecast. I hope they are wrong. Charlie and I went to bed and forgot about the new year entry. We watched this morning when they replayed it on TV. He went out Friday evening to the regular fish dinner in Valiant, Ok. Things are breaking down again. This morning, he discovered that the blade on the Deere was broken on the tip, which threw it out of balance. I will get one Tuesday, while I am picking up the TV. Charlie fixed a flat on the trailer, his car, and one on the old truck. He brought in Josh's deer stand and put out the last of the corn. The crows can have it. We spent the rest of the day, doing all kinds of petty things. It is very quiet since the hunters have hung up their guns. The only traffic are ranchers, home health caretakers, and the people that live on this road. So far, the fires have gotten no closer than fifteen miles away. It was up by the Red River, north of Novice. My scanner is busy constantly, with fire alerts in Oklahoma, Red River county, and Lamar county. We had heavy smoke from a fire up by Pat Mayse Lake. Wind was out of the northwest, which brought it here. Aunt Charlet and Aunt Virginia are well. They were home for New Year's Eve too. We had a nice chat. The Mendoza's called too. They are getting along fairly well. I am planning to visit them soon.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
It could have been spring Tuesday. The temperature was 80. Charlie, at work, was walking with his arms full of lumber, when someone shouted lookout. Well, he dropped everything and turned to one of the framed walls of the newly started house and caught the wall above his head. The wind was blowing very hard and he was on the watch for such an event. Saved his head too. They are working on a new place in Cooper, Tx. The building is going so swiftly, that he is worried that they will run out of jobs. But, Bob is very good at finding something else. Bob and Tony went hunting Monday evening on the back lot. They did not see a thing. It was too warm. The grass and brush fires are burning so in Oklahoma, that the smoke is blowing over here. We started smelling smoke about six last night and it still is evident in the air. I've had the scanner on all day for the Hugo, Ok. area and they are running in all directions, trying to get control. None are large, but very frustrating. We are having trouble with the phone service again. I think I told you that they are rebuilding the water system out of Detroit. The pipe is located, sometimes, in the ditches, by the highway, next to the fences. The phone lines are marked by little red flags. Today, they cut the line again. It takes hours to repair them. This is about the fourth occurrence. I went to town Monday to get a prescription and the usual groceries. I took the TV to the repair shop and it will cost $60. Also, stopped at home depot to check out a new bath heater. I had taken the wrong measurements, so now, must return to make my selection. We have a furnace vent in there, so will not suffer. We had a nice Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I didn't even cook.